2020年、さらにオリジナリティーあふれる作品を発表するために"porte-bonheur ポルト・ボナー"としてスタート。
中田多恵子 略歴
1972-75 大塚テキスタイルデザイン専門学校 助手
1975-84 シキボウ株式会社 チーフデザイナー
1985-87 住商テキスタイル株式会社 チーフスタイリスト
1987-88 NAF NAF株式会社 テキスタイルコーディネーター
1988-91 内野株式会社 チーフデザイナー
1991-92 フランス在住 MANUEL CANOVAS社にて研修
1993-97 株式会社大森企画 ホームインテリアグループリーダー
2001-19 有限会社ティズコレクション設立
2020- "porte-bonheurポルト・ボナー"としてスタート
Being a corporate designer for 25 years, Taeko Nakata has been
working on various fields of textile design,ranging from clothing to
interior goods.
As a part of the design business, her activities included marketing,
estimating sales targets, sales-floor launching for specialty shopsand
department stores, visual promotions of exhibitions and shop
previews, graphic editing for catalogues and posters, and buying-in
imported furniture,and miscellaneous goods.
By making use of these experiences, she established T's Collection
Ltd.in 2001.
Presently, the office in the Aoba-ward in Yokohama,and office/atelier
in Bangkok, are the centers for creating and selling accessory, interior
goods,silk shawls, and cutlery of original design.
One third of the year, is spend travelling overseas to markets,in
search of rare stone and creating pieces of work, which is doneat the
Porte-bonheur studio in Bangkok.
Personal History
1972-75 Works as sub-professional at Ohsuka Textile Academy
1975-84 Chief designer for Shikibou Corporation
1985-87 Chief Stylist for Sumisho textile Corporation
1987-88 Textile cordinator at NAF NAF Corporation
1988-91 Chief designer at Uchino Corporation
1991-92 Training at MANUEL CANOVAS in France
1993-97 Home interior group leader at Ohmori Kikaku Co.Ltd
2001 Establishment of T's Collection Ltd.
2020年、さらにオリジナリティーあふれる作品を発表するために"porte-bonheur ポルト・ボナー"としてスタート。
中田多恵子 略歴
1972-75 大塚テキスタイルデザイン専門学校 助手
1975-84 シキボウ株式会社 チーフデザイナー
1985-87 住商テキスタイル株式会社 チーフスタイリスト
1987-88 NAF NAF株式会社 テキスタイルコーディネーター
1988-91 内野株式会社 チーフデザイナー
1991-92 フランス在住 MANUEL CANOVAS社にて研修
1993-97 株式会社大森企画 ホームインテリアグループリーダー
2001-19 有限会社ティズコレクション設立
2020- "porte-bonheurポルト・ボナー"としてスタート
Being a corporate designer for 25 years, Taeko Nakata has been
working on various fields of textile design,ranging from clothing to
interior goods.
As a part of the design business, her activities included marketing,
estimating sales targets, sales-floor launching for specialty shopsand
department stores, visual promotions of exhibitions and shop
previews, graphic editing for catalogues and posters, and buying-in
imported furniture,and miscellaneous goods.
By making use of these experiences, she established T's Collection
Ltd.in 2001.
Presently, the office in the Aoba-ward in Yokohama,and office/atelier
in Bangkok, are the centers for creating and selling accessory, interior
goods,silk shawls, and cutlery of original design.
One third of the year, is spend travelling overseas to markets,in
search of rare stone and creating pieces of work, which is doneat the
Porte-bonheur studio in Bangkok.
Personal History
1972-75 Works as sub-professional at Ohsuka Textile Academy
1975-84 Chief designer for Shikibou Corporation
1985-87 Chief Stylist for Sumisho textile Corporation
1987-88 Textile cordinator at NAF NAF Corporation
1988-91 Chief designer at Uchino Corporation
1991-92 Training at MANUEL CANOVAS in France
1993-97 Home interior group leader at Ohmori Kikaku Co.Ltd
2001 Establishment of T's Collection Ltd.